“Mens Sana in corpore sano” is a strategic association just between school centres with the aim of carrying out a key action K2 over 24 months. This association is formed by four primary schools, some of them with Infant and Secondary Education as well. They are schools from: Portugal (Braga), Italy (Sicily), Poland (Nieporete) and Spain (Guadalajara) as the coordinator country. Italy, Portugal and Spain have previous experiences in other associations such as Comenius and Erasmus+. Nieporet takes part for the first time in an European programme. Three of them are state schools and the other one is a private school. They are all characterised by: integration schools, inclusive methodologies, strong sensitivity towards the use of  Information and Comunication Technologies (ICT), development of values for the school coexistence, emotional intelligence, bilingualism and a concern for the environment. The name of our project express our comprehensive, integrated and inclusive education: Mens sana in copore sano.

     The main purpose of this association is to carry out teaching and learning activities with a focus on the improvement of personal (Me and my Identity), sociocultural (Me and Ohers) and environmental (Me and the Environment) skills . These activities will help our students, teachers, families and other agents in our context to take advantage of the integral, inclusive and cooperative education as an opportunity to improve diversity within our educational system. The impact of these activities are very important for our association, therefore we intend to reach a large number of agents over the next 24 months with hopes to improve our digital, communicative, interpersonal and environmental capabilities or skills.

     The specific objectives we want to work on are the following:

ME AND MY IDENTITY:           
- Improve personal well-being, that is, physical, affective and relational through the work of  intrapersonal intelligence,
- Evaluate identity and personal healthy habits.

-Take part in differet sports, traditional games, traditional dances and activities in the nature as a proposal of healthy free time activities.
-Exercise interpersonal intelligence through activities related to assertiveness, empathy and social skills.
-Exchange good practices and experiences in the learning of a foreign language (English) using Content and Language Integrated Learning metholodogy (CLIL).

-Know and value the ecological environment of the different countries taking part in the association.
-Share experiences and good practices related to the protection of the environment.

     We will use a collaborative and interactive methodology to carry out these objectives. This methodology focuses on the development of activities that enable the exchange and the common action of proposals of each of the participating schools. The goal is to obtain mutual knowledge and overall improvement of our association. The characteristic features include:

- The use of ICT application (communication, creation, exchange of experiences).
- The promotion of English as a common language.
- The use of our mother tongues as a sign of our identity.
- The personal experiences (international meetings).
- Educational innovation (methodologies to learn a foreign language and the action-research method).
     Three transnational coordinating meetings will take place over the next three years (at the beginning of each school year and at the end of the association). There will be four other international visits of work in each of the schools taking part in the project, these visits will last five days. In these teaching and learning activities will travel teachers and children from each school. At the same time, there will also be developmental activities in each of the six semesters. The following is a list of the main teaching and learning activities of the international encounters and the work during the next 24 months:

 - Create a digital space for the communication, holding and exchange of tangible products (e-twinning).
 - Elaborate the Association Logo, decorate the schools and create and exhibition space (Erasmus+ Corner).
 - Elaborate different projects: design audiovisual documents to introduce our educational systems and our schools; design a book with traditional recipes; a bank of traditional dances; create a bank of audiostories about coexistence values; and create an animal and plant  field book of the environment of each country.
- Provide workshops, methodological  presentations, classroom exchange experiences and visits to sites of significance.

      All of which under an initial, on-going and final assessment through procedures such as coordination meetings, surveys, use of checklists, budget monitoring, etc.
     In short, this is our proposal, a project for citizens of the 21st century.

Last Mobility

Before finishing our project,  the last mobility with the students is ready. Between May 12 and 18, students from Spain, Poland, Portugal an...